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Error Troubleshooting

Browser not supported

Your browser is not supported! Please make sure you are using one of the following browsers:

  • Chrome v51+
  • Safari v10+
  • Firefox v54+
  • Opera v38+

Internet Explorer is not supported!

Network Error

There was an issue contacting our servers. Please check our status page and make sure your browser or extensions aren’t blocking requests to our service.


Your browser did not meet the security requirements of this website. This may be caused by extensions, plugins, “Request desktop site” option or other browser modifications.

Try another browser or device.

Invalid Sitekey

For end-users: is misconfigured, please contact the site owner.

For site-owners:

Your sitekey used in calls to pcaptcha.render or in the data-sitekey attribute is invalid!

  1. Make sure you copied it correctly from the dashboard
  2. Make sure the sitekey was not deleted
  3. If you followed one of the migration guides, make sure you replaced the old sitekeys with your new one or used the sitekey override functionality.

Invalid hostname

For end-users: is misconfigured, please contact the site owner.

For site-owners:

Make sure you used the correct region for your sitekey.

Client Execution Error

An error occured while running our security checks. Please verify your browser is supported and try on a different browser/device.

Client Ratelimited

You are sending too many requests and have been temporarily ratelimited. Please wait a few minutes and then try again.

Direct Access

The widget ( needs to be embedded on an existing site using an iframe element.

You should use the Widget-API to load and interact with the widget.

The API between the widget’s api.js and the iframe is not documented and subject to change at any time, there are no guarantees or warranties at all if you chose to implement it yourself.

Debugger detected

We’ve detected the use of debugging tools. We interrupted the widget’s execution to protect our security solutions from being reverse engineered.

Please disable your debugger and close your devtools before trying again.