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Offline Verification

Available only on Enterprise plan

Offline Verification refers to decrypting the inner claims of a solution to avoid calling the Siteverify API altogether.

For debugging, we recommend using this webpage:


  • You must be an Enterprise customer
  • You must retrieve the decryption secret from the Dashboard (the secret is hex-encoded)
  • You must validate the solution is valid using Offline Validation first
  • You must prevent replay attacks

Decrypting the encrypted claims

The encrypted claims are encrypted using JWE with a pre-shared key (available on the Dashboard) and AES-256 in GCM mode.

The encrypted claim is the ## claim in the solution payload.


An example encrypted claim is: eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..zqVbfE9UGMkUjd9I.QLCTfg7jH0EdP25MGovuKYJRDrY6JviA3QXpN4L3Kg.PxjZ5IZHzbsHiDfVHIV3zw

The decryption secret for the used sitekey is 370d1c0b31bf702dc2355337279dbc853017001321969e51c58ecab5ca05469c3

By plugging these two values into the online debugger, we get the following result:

"automated": false,
"checks": []


The following claims are available:

Name Description
automatedwhether the use of automation software was detected
checksa list of checks that were violated
kind the kind of automation detected (undefined if none)

Additional claims may be added in the future or used for internal purposes, please do not rely on undocumented claims.

Additional padding

We may add additional padding to the encrypted claims. This padding is added as a special claim called _ which is a random string with a random length.

This is added to prevent attackers from distinguishing between {"automated":false,"checks":[]} and {"automated":true,"checks":["long_check_name"],"kind":"long_kind_name"} by looking at the length of the encrypted claims.